Diagrama Escalera Program

2020. 3. 5. 08:25카테고리 없음

Diagrama escalera program 1

Diagrama Escalera Program 2017

Here is a step by step of what I am doing. Open RSLogix 5000 project file xxxxxx.acd MainTask Main Routine, Right click on main routine Print; right click on routine Go to print options General check print grid Data type listing check expand data types Ladder Display check show rung numbers, show rung comments, center justification,max lines 100, rung wrap, wrap branchs, show routine discriptions, show main operand discriptions, show tag alias info. When I print the only thing I get are the operand descriptions and Tags.

Logixpro Silo Simulation Exercise 3

If I export these to a PDF or Microsoft word everything is visible and will print. The power rails do not come out straight because of wrapping though. My local AB rep. Believes the project file has been corrupted in some way.